company culture speaker

A Company Culture Speaker That Delivers Incredible Keynotes

As CEO and founder of one of the Midwest’s largest digital marketing agencies, Drew Harden has seen a great workplace culture keep employees happy for decades. His company, Blue Compass, regularly wins national awards for its supportive, joyful work environment. Drew's company culture keynotes reveal how leaders and teams can experience this incredible culture at their organization.

What is Company Culture?

Company culture is the sum of the values, leadership and interactions of your workplace, shaping the overall daily experience for the team. Good culture is about ensuring team members feel supported while creating space for growth and productivity. An outstanding company culture can improve every aspect of your working life. If you’re looking to hire new employees, a positive, supportive and fun workplace is the ultimate competitive edge, because as marketer Brian Kristofek says, “Being a great place to work is the difference between being a good company and a great company.”

What Makes a Good Company Culture?

Drew’s digital marketing agency, Blue Compass, is well known for its incredible culture. Drew regularly receives client compliments on how happy and positive his team members are. Blue Compass has won numerous company culture awards, most notably the US Agency Award for Best Company Culture during COVID and the Prometheus Award for Best Company Culture. From allowing dogs in the office, treating employees with fun outings and crafting an open office space that promotes communication, Drew’s style of company culture focuses on creating a fun, spontaneous workplace that’s positive and supportive.

corporate culture speaker

Transform Your Workplace Culture With a Business Keynote Speaker

Drew’s speeches will show you how to create a better company culture that improves morale, loyalty and the bottom line. He shares real stories from his experiences to describe how he built his company from the ground up based on a strong culture. He shares numerous stories of his unique efforts to bring joy to workplaces and offers clear takeaways attendees can use to improve their company culture. 

"Drew shared great insight on leadership and digital marketing while providing personal examples of what has worked for Blue Compass to grow. He was humble and honest, great quality for any small business!"

- Jan Sigwarth


Whether you’re looking for a speaker for your small business employees or a corporation with thousands of workers, Drew understands the importance of delivering a keynote that will make a memorable impact on audiences of all sizes. With a customized presentation to ensure it makes the deepest impact, your team can discover how embracing company culture allows your business to flourish and helps your team become more energetic, supportive and motivated.

An example title and description of one of Drew's keynotes on company culture:

Five Ways to Craft an Incredible Company Culture That Makes Mondays Feel Like Fridays
Maintaining a welcoming, positive work culture can be difficult with all the demands and stressors of the modern workplace. Hear how embracing an unapologetically fun culture helped Drew Harden’s company power through struggles and flourish from a small, two-person start-up to an industry-leading digital marketing agency. Discover how embracing company culture creates space for growth and productivity. Walk away with five eye-opening action items to help your team become more energetic, supportive and motivated—on Mondays, Fridays and all the days between.

Looking for more takeaways for your attendees? Drew's latest book, Retain: How to Create an Incredible Company Culture That No One Wants To Leave, can be provided along with his keynote. 

Drew’s bold stance on corporate culture has attracted speaking engagements for many organizations, and he regularly appears on podcasts and news outlets discussing the power of instilling a positive workplace. Many of these appearances are available on Drew's YouTube channel

corporate culture keynote speaker

Get in Touch With Drew to Book Him as a Corporate Culture Speaker

Maintaining a welcoming, positive work culture can be difficult with all the demands and stressors of the modern workplace. Hear how embracing an unapologetically fun culture can impact your bottom line with an inspiring speech from Drew Harden. From large conference settings to small groups, book now for a customized presentation to help you craft an incredible company culture that makes Mondays feel like Fridays.